(Portugal introduces yet another austerity budget) Cavaleiro de Oliveira: "Portugal só será próspero e progressivo quando se abolir de vez o tribunal do Santo Officio. Antes não. Além disso, nada feito, enquanto, no mesmo lugar onde hoje se acha o Palácio da Inquisição, não plantarem os Judeus a Sinagoga" "Portugal will only be prosperous and progressive when it abolishes the Holy Office. Before not. Moreover, nothing done, until, in the same place where today is the Palace of the Inquisition, the Jews do not plant the synagogue." Cavaleiro de Oliveira, an 18th century non-catholic Old Christian, a fugitive from the Inquisition, burned at the stake in effigy, cited by Elias Lipinar in Os Baptizados Em Pé, Estudos Cristão Novos em Portugal (Baptized Standing, Studies of New Christians in Portugal), 1998, Vega, Lisboa, at p. 414 *The Palace of the Inquisition is now the Dona Maria 2nd national theatre in the Rossio |
(National theatre Dona Maria 2nd, formerly courthouse and jail of the Inquisition, burned circa 1834)