
(List compiled in part by Joshua de Sola Mendes for the Foundation for the Preservation of the Western Sephardic Tradition)

(for list of synagogues in Portugal and Spain see separate post)

Amsterdam   /   The Portuguese Synagogue   /   www.esnoga.com/content_home.html

Bayonne   /   Nefoutsot Yehouda   /   www.communautedebayonne.org

Bordeaux   /   Grande Synagogue   /   www.synagogue-bordeaux.com

Florence   /   Comunita Ebraica di Firenze   /   www.moked.it/firenzebraica/

Gibraltar   /   Esnoga Grande   /   www.jewishgibraltar.com/synagogues.php

Jerusalem   /   Shaare Ratzon-Istanbuli Synagogue /   www.esek/com/sr/

Livorno   /   Comunita Ebraica   /   www.moked.it/livornoebraica

London   /   Bevis Marks Synagogue   /   www.bevismarks.org.uk

London   /   Holland Park Synagogue   / www.hollandparksynagogue.com/

London   /   Lauderdale Road Synagogue   /   www.lauderdaleroadsynagogue.org

Montreal   /   The Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue   /   www.thespanish.org

New York   /   Congregation Shearith Israel   /   www.shearithisrael.org

Newport   /   The Touro Synagogue   /   www.tourosynagogue.org

Paris   /   Temple Buffault   /   www.buffault.net/Temple_BUFFAULT/Accueil.html

Philadelphia   /   Congregation Mikveh Israel   /   www.mikvehisrael.org

Pisa   / Comunita Ebraica di Pisa   /   www.pisaebraica.it/cms

Santo Domingo / Beth HaMidrash HaSefaradi Nidhe Israel / www.nidheisraelrepdom.org

Venice   /   Venezia Ebraica   /   www.moked.it/jewishvenice/

Aruba   /   Beth Israel   /   www.haruth.com/jw/JewsAruba.html

Barbados / Bridgetown Synagogue / www.haruth.com/jw/JewsBarbados.html

Charleston   /   Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim   / www.kkbe.org

Curacao   /   Congregation Mikveh Israel-Emanuel   /   www.snoa.com/snoa.html

New Orleans   /   Touro Synagogue   /   www.tourosynagogue.com

Jamaica   /   United Congregation of Israelites   /   www.ucija.org/main.html

Panama   /   Congregacion Kol Shearith Israel   /   www.congksi.blogspot.com

Recife   /   Kahal Zur Israel   / www.kahalzurisrael.com/en/index.html

Savannah   /   Mickve Israel   /   www.mickveisrael.org

St. Thomas   /   St. Thomas Synagogue   / www.onepaper.com/synagogue/

Surinam   /   Neve Shalom Synagogue   /   www.suriname-jewish-community.com

Jodensavannah in Surinam

New York   /   Kehila Kedosha Janina   /   www.kkjsm.org

Orange Country / Orh Yisrael Sephardic Congregation / www.nogah.com/OhrWeb-SSI/home.shtml

Seattle / Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation / www.sbhseattle.org/Home.htm

Centro Sefardi Isaac Abrabanel de Cartagena, Colombia

Nidhe Israel República DominicanaPrimer Bet Midrash Sefardí de República Dominicana