Captain Barros Basto
the Portuguese Dreyfus
the Portuguese Dreyfus
by manuel lopes azevedo
(November 15, 2006)
(November 15, 2006)

In the 1920s, Captain Arthur Carlos de Barros Basto, a decorated Portuguese WW1 veteran who survived gas attacks in Flanders, began a quasi-messianic movement in northern Portugal to “out” Marranos and bring them back to normative Judaism. Basto, a free mason and Republican was informed of his family’s Marrano heritage by his grandfather who announced on his deathbed that he wished to die as a Jew. Basto honoured his grandfather’s message for the rest of his life. He taught himself Hebrew, becoming so proficient that he later taught it at the faculty of Arts at the University of Porto where he also conducted original research into Portuguese medieval Jewish history. Later, he traveled to Tangiers to undergo a formal return process to Judaism. Returning to Lisbon, he married the daughter of a prominent Jewish family of that community which initially had rejected him. He then settled down in Porto, near Amarante, his place of birth, to raise a family and start his building his dream.
Basto’s mission attracted wide support from Sephardic Jews in Amsterdam, New York, and London (whose ancestors had escaped the clutches of the Inquisition). The London Marranos Committee and the Spanish Portuguese congregation of Bevis Marks, England’s oldest synagogue, provided moral and financial support. Prominent English Jews such as journalist and founder of the Jewish Historical Society of England, Lucien Wolf, Cambridge professor and respected author, Cecil Roth and lawyer Paul Goodman (also president of the London Marranos Committee), became friends and fans. Dr. Rabbi David Sola Pool of New York visited Basto.
Visiting isolated villages and towns, sometime by foot and donkey, the charismatic Captain, dressed in full regalia, convinced thousands of Marranos to give up their syncretism and return openly to the faith of their ancestors. He led the revival of normative rituals and established synagogues in several towns and cities, despite protests from the Catholic Church.
In Porto, a city with a strong mercantile Jewish tradition (birthplace of the world’s first secular Jew, Uriel da Costa, Spinoza’s predecessor) Barros Basto established a yeshiva (theological institute) and founded an instructional Jewish newspaper, “Halapid” (the “Torch”) which he published until 1958. At the height of the depression, with the financial backing of Baron de Rothschild of Paris and the wealthy Kadoorie family of Hong Kong, Barros Basto built a magnificent four-storey art deco synagogue, which he called the “Cathedral of the North”, a beacon for the downtrodden Marranos. The Kadoorie synagogue of Porto (Mekor Haim, Hebrew for “font of life) was inaugurated in 1938, the same year as Kristallnacht, the “night of broken glass” when synagogues and Jewish businesses were ransacked and destroyed throughout Germany. During the ensuing war, Barros Basto helped many families fleeing the Holocaust.
It was all too much for Portugal’s staunch Catholic neo-fascist state, Salazar’s “Estado Novo” (New State). Relying on “anonymous” complaints and internal intrigue, Salazar’s dictatorship engineered the Captain’s downfall. Although Barros Basto was cleared by civil and military authorities of trumped up charges, Salazar’s fascist ministers condemned him for carrying out alleged circumcisions and stripped him of his military commission, prohibiting him from wearing his uniform on the basis that he lacked the moral capacity to continue his military career. This led to a collapse of the renaissance movement that Barros Basto had started. The very people he had championed shunned him. He fell into disgrace and died a broken man in 1961. The inquisition had not disappeared, it simply had adapted. Marranos once again withdrew into the world of secrecy.
Following Portugal’s peaceful carnation revolution of 1974, which toppled Europe’s longest dictatorship, Basto’s family sought to clear his name. Despite promises to do so, the military and politicians continue to stonewall all efforts to rehabilitate the Captain. Now, with the renaissance of Marrano identity, and the re-birth of the “Cathedral of the North” following a visit by the Sephardic grand rabbi of Israel, Shlomo Amar in 2004, the Captain is once again a hero. But, unlike Dreyfus, he has yet to been exonerated. Hopefully, he will indeed be the next Dreyfus.
FROM 2007
BARROS BASTO, THE MARRANO MIRAGE, by Alexandre Teixeira Mendes

Official book launch, Sunday, Sept. 2, 2007, 18.30 at Kadoorie Mekor Haim Synagogue, Rua Guerra Junqueiro, 340, Porto, Portugal
Alexandre Teixeira Mendes, Ladina Books, Porto 2007
Book Synopsis on Back Cover by Pedro Sinde
(English translation by mlopesazevedo)
This book reveals Barros Basto and the Marrano question. Written in a hide
and seek style, it seems to play with the reader, leading him or her to
gradually begin to understand for themselves the author’s thinking. It is not an objective book, in that it is a book with a soul, a passionate book, and impassioned. Only those without a soul are capable of transforming the subject of their study into the object. Alexandre Teixeira Mendes, on the contrary transforms the object of his study into the subject; it is thus that Barros Basto, the Apostle of the Marranos, seems alive, contradictory, honest, a hero that struggled to rescue the Marranos, that is, those Jews who during four centuries concealed themselves, passing and re-creating, from generation to generation, a tradition that could not be expressed in the light of day; night was their day!
We see Barros Basto in the horizon, standing in a struggle against two giants, the Catholic Church and the Jewish “Church”, a David against two Goliaths. We see him give the signal to gather the dispersed ones.
Alexandre Teixeira Mendes does not examine Barros Basto from the outside; he accompanies him in his youth, in his conversion, during the war, in the organization of the mysterious Orymita Institute, in the work of rescue. And we, his readers, accompany him in an unforgettable journey to one of the most important places of the soul of the Portuguese being that only Sampaio Bruno and Antonio Telmo have studied with the same audacity and freedom that we now encounter in the author of this book.
Pedro Sinde

Official book launch, Sunday, Sept. 2, 2007, 18.30 at Kadoorie Mekor Haim Synagogue, Rua Guerra Junqueiro, 340, Porto, Portugal
Alexandre Teixeira Mendes, Ladina Books, Porto 2007
Book Synopsis on Back Cover by Pedro Sinde
(English translation by mlopesazevedo)
This book reveals Barros Basto and the Marrano question. Written in a hide
and seek style, it seems to play with the reader, leading him or her to
gradually begin to understand for themselves the author’s thinking. It is not an objective book, in that it is a book with a soul, a passionate book, and impassioned. Only those without a soul are capable of transforming the subject of their study into the object. Alexandre Teixeira Mendes, on the contrary transforms the object of his study into the subject; it is thus that Barros Basto, the Apostle of the Marranos, seems alive, contradictory, honest, a hero that struggled to rescue the Marranos, that is, those Jews who during four centuries concealed themselves, passing and re-creating, from generation to generation, a tradition that could not be expressed in the light of day; night was their day!
We see Barros Basto in the horizon, standing in a struggle against two giants, the Catholic Church and the Jewish “Church”, a David against two Goliaths. We see him give the signal to gather the dispersed ones.
Alexandre Teixeira Mendes does not examine Barros Basto from the outside; he accompanies him in his youth, in his conversion, during the war, in the organization of the mysterious Orymita Institute, in the work of rescue. And we, his readers, accompany him in an unforgettable journey to one of the most important places of the soul of the Portuguese being that only Sampaio Bruno and Antonio Telmo have studied with the same audacity and freedom that we now encounter in the author of this book.
Pedro Sinde
Cry justice for the 'Portuguese Dreyfus',
A few months ago, in the northern Portuguese village of Amarante, I stood before the simple and unadorned grave of a largely forgotten Jewish hero of the 20th century, Captain Arthur Carlos de Barros Basto.
His name might not be familiar to you, but his story is worth recounting, nonetheless, because it is one of heartbreak and heroism, and its final chapter remains to be written.
Historians such as the late Cecil Roth labeled him the 'Portuguese Dreyfus' after French General Staff officer Alfred Dreyfus, who was convicted of treason on trumped-up charges in 1894 and drummed out of the military.But in one important respect Barros Basto's story is even more compelling, because, unlike his French counterpart, he has yet to receive the exoneration and acclaim he so richly deserves.
This year marks six decades since the Portuguese armed forces summarily decided to expel Barros Basto from their ranks, citing unspecified reasons of "good and welfare" for its decision.
The truth of the incident is far more troubling.
Captain Barros Basto was one of the Anousim, a descendant of Jews whose ancestors had been forced to convert to Catholicism during the time of the Spanish Inquisition. According to hisbiographers, Dr. Elvira Mea and journalist Inacio Steinhardt,Barros Basto was a decorated soldier who commanded a Portuguese infantry company in World War I, fought in the trenches of Flanders, and took part in the allied offensive to liberate Belgium.
After returning home from the war he decided to embrace the faith of his forefathers, and underwent a formal return to Judaism before a rabbinical court in Spanish Morocco in December 1920.
Based in the northern Portuguese city of Oporto, Barros Basto launched a public campaign to convince other Anousim to emerge from centuries of hiding and rejoin their people. This dashing war hero traveled among the villages and towns of the area, bedecked in his military uniform, holding Jewish services and seeking to inspire others to follow his example.
He succeeded in building the beautiful Mekor Haim synagogue, which still stands in Oporto, and opened a yeshiva that operated for nine years, teaching young Anousim about their heritage. Singlehandedly he produced a Jewish newspaper and was responsible for the publication of numerous books on Jewish history, law and lore in Portuguese.
But his open profession of Judaism, and the thousands of people whom historians say he inspired, did not sit well with the government, or the Church authorities of the time. They sought to quell his nascent movement by bringing false charges of moral debauchery against him.
Though the local prosecutor filed charges against Barros Basto, the case was dropped after two years, in 1937, for lack of evidence. Nevertheless, in 1943, Portugal's Ministry of Defense expelled him from the army, unjustly humiliating him and bringing about an end to his efforts to reawaken Portugal's Anousim.
He died in 1961, a broken man.
And so, whereas Dreyfus was eventually pardoned in 1899 and restored to the French army in 1906 with full honors, Barros Basto went to the grave without justice ever being served.
When I first learned of his story on a visit to Portugal last fall, I was livid with rage. How could it be that so many years have passed without the injustice done to this valiant, heroic figure being rectified? And so, earlier this year I launched a public campaign under the auspices of Amishav, the organization I direct in Jerusalem, seeking to persuade the Portuguese government to clear Capt. Barros Basto's name.
In a meeting with the Portuguese ambassador to Tel Aviv I asked that his government acknowledge Barros Basto's innocence and apologize for the hurt this chapter has caused to both his family and the Jewish people. Similar appeals were sent to the Portuguese government and its representatives abroad.
American Jewish organizations such as the Conference of Presidents, the Orthodox Union and the Religious Zionists of America have all joined the campaign, writing to the Portuguese ambassador to Washington about the Barros Basto case.
And US Congressman Gary Ackerman, a member of the House International Relations Committee, has also spoken out, urging the Portuguese to resolve the matter.
Thus far, however, there has not been any progress. The stain on this noble man's name has yet to be removed.
In a time when Israel finds itself targeted by terror it may seem incongruous to be concerning ourselves with such a symbolic cause. But symbols still have meaning, and it is incumbent upon us to do whatever we can to right this historical wrong.
Barros Basto was a courageous figure who stood up for the Jewish people, defying the powers that be to help his brethren. When anti-Semitism victimizes such a person, be it in 1943 or 2003, how can we possibly remain silent?
More pressure must be brought to bear on the Portuguese government to address this matter, and so the issue may be laid to rest once and for all. Contact your local Portuguese embassy or write to Portugal's Ministry of Foreign Affairs at: and ask them why they have not yet resolved this important case.
Captain Arthur Carlos de Barros Basto risked his career and reputation on behalf of his people, the Jewish people. The least we can do in return is see that the dignity so unjustly taken away from him is restored.
Photo by: Courtesy of Shavel Israel
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the passing of an unsung Jewish hero, Captain Arthur Carlos de Barros Basto.
His exploits extended from the battlefields of World War I to the struggle to reclaim crypto-Jewish identity, but this intrepid figure met a cruel and unwarranted end at the hands of Portugal’s dictatorial regime. Despite the passage of so many decades, the injustice committed against him cries out for resolution. The time has come to give this man his due.
Barros Basto came from a family of Bnei Anusim (whom historians refer to by the derogatory term “Marranos”), descendants of Jews whose ancestors had been forced to convert to Catholicism in the 15th century.
Raised a Catholic, he went on to become a decorated soldier who commanded a Portuguese infantry company in World War I, where he fought in the trenches of Flanders and took part in the allied offensive to liberate Belgium.
After the war Barros Basto decided to re-embrace the faith of his forefathers. He studied Judaism intensively, then traveled to Spanish Morocco in December 1920 to undergo a formal return to the Jewish people before a rabbinical court.
Back in Portugal, Barros Basto settled in the northern city of Oporto, where he launched a public campaign to persuade other Bnei Anusim to return to their roots. Donning hismilitary uniform and medals, he traveled among the towns and villages of Portugal’s interior, giving rousing speeches, conducting Jewish services and seeking to inspire others to follow his example. After centuries of hiding, thousands of Bnei Anusim answered his call and tentatively agreed to join his movement.
Barros Basto turned to world Jewry for help, and succeeded in raising the necessary funds to build the magnificent Mekor Haim synagogue, which still stands in Oporto. He opened a yeshiva that operated for nine years, where dozens of young Bnei Anusim learned about Jewish life and lore. He also single-handedly produced a Jewish newspaper, Halapid (the Torch), and was responsible for the publication of numerous books on Jewish history and law in Portuguese.
BUT HIS open identification with Judaism, and the thousands of people whom he touched, did not sit well with the government or with Church authorities. They sought to quell his nascent movement by bringing him up on charges connected to the practice of the Jewish religion. On June 12, 1937, the Superior Disciplinary Council of the Portuguese Army concluded that Barros Basto lacked the “moral capacity” to serve in its ranks.
And just what exactly was his “crime”?
Incredibly, the military council declared that Barros Basto had “performed the operation of circumcision of several students pursuant to a precept of the Israelite religion he professes” and said that he was excessively affectionate toward his pupils.
As a result, they summarily drummed him out of the armed forces, destroyed his career and sullied his name. This brought about an end to his efforts to reawaken Portugal’s Bnei Anusim, many of whom saw the treatment meted out to Barros Basto as a sign that the authorities would not tolerate their return to Judaism.
In 1961, he died, a broken man. Stripped of his rank and publicly humiliated because he was a Jew, Barros Basto has been likened by historians such as Cecil Roth to Alfred Dreyfus, the French general staff officer who was convicted of treason on trumped-up charges in 1894 and drummed out of the military.
But unlike Dreyfus, Barros Basto has yet to receive the exoneration he deserves. Once Portugal began its transition to democracy in 1975, his family appealed to the authorities to rectify the situation, but their pleas fell on deaf ears.
For the past decade, Shavei Israel, the organization I chair, has been involved in the Barros Basto case.
Over the years, we elicited support from American Jewish organizations such as the Conference of Presidents, the Orthodox Union and the Religious Zionists of America, all of whom have written to the Portuguese ambassador to Washington about the matter.
Last month, on October 31, there was an important new development.
With the help of an attorney, the captain’s granddaughter, Isabel Maria de Barros Lopes, submitted a formal request to the president of the Portuguese parliament seeking her grandfather’s posthumous reinstatement into the military.
Isabel told me that she is determined to see things through. Just like her grandfather, she is not afraid to fight for what is right.
But more pressure must be brought to bear on Portuguese officials. Contact your local Portuguese embassy or sign the petition to the leader of the Portuguese parliament online at:
We must garner as much international support as possible to bring closure to this painful chapter.
Barros Basto was a courageous figure who stood up for the Jewish people, defying the powers that be to help his brethren. He was a victim of anti-Semitism, so how can we remain silent?
Several years ago, in the northern Portuguese village of Amarante, I entered the local cemetery and stood before Barros Basto’s simple and unadorned grave. Then and there, I made a promise to do what I could to restore his honor and bring about justice.
There is now an unprecedented opportunity to do so and we must not let it pass.
The stain on this noble man’s name is also a stain on Portugal itself, and it is time for it to be removed, once and for all.
Rehabilitate the Portuguese Dreyfus and let justice be done, so that his soul may finally rest in peace.
The writer is chairman of Shavei Israel (, an organization that assists lost tribes and hidden Jewish communities to return to the Jewish people.
His exploits extended from the battlefields of World War I to the struggle to reclaim crypto-Jewish identity, but this intrepid figure met a cruel and unwarranted end at the hands of Portugal’s dictatorial regime. Despite the passage of so many decades, the injustice committed against him cries out for resolution. The time has come to give this man his due.
Barros Basto came from a family of Bnei Anusim (whom historians refer to by the derogatory term “Marranos”), descendants of Jews whose ancestors had been forced to convert to Catholicism in the 15th century.
Raised a Catholic, he went on to become a decorated soldier who commanded a Portuguese infantry company in World War I, where he fought in the trenches of Flanders and took part in the allied offensive to liberate Belgium.
After the war Barros Basto decided to re-embrace the faith of his forefathers. He studied Judaism intensively, then traveled to Spanish Morocco in December 1920 to undergo a formal return to the Jewish people before a rabbinical court.
Back in Portugal, Barros Basto settled in the northern city of Oporto, where he launched a public campaign to persuade other Bnei Anusim to return to their roots. Donning hismilitary uniform and medals, he traveled among the towns and villages of Portugal’s interior, giving rousing speeches, conducting Jewish services and seeking to inspire others to follow his example. After centuries of hiding, thousands of Bnei Anusim answered his call and tentatively agreed to join his movement.
Barros Basto turned to world Jewry for help, and succeeded in raising the necessary funds to build the magnificent Mekor Haim synagogue, which still stands in Oporto. He opened a yeshiva that operated for nine years, where dozens of young Bnei Anusim learned about Jewish life and lore. He also single-handedly produced a Jewish newspaper, Halapid (the Torch), and was responsible for the publication of numerous books on Jewish history and law in Portuguese.
BUT HIS open identification with Judaism, and the thousands of people whom he touched, did not sit well with the government or with Church authorities. They sought to quell his nascent movement by bringing him up on charges connected to the practice of the Jewish religion. On June 12, 1937, the Superior Disciplinary Council of the Portuguese Army concluded that Barros Basto lacked the “moral capacity” to serve in its ranks.
And just what exactly was his “crime”?
Incredibly, the military council declared that Barros Basto had “performed the operation of circumcision of several students pursuant to a precept of the Israelite religion he professes” and said that he was excessively affectionate toward his pupils.
As a result, they summarily drummed him out of the armed forces, destroyed his career and sullied his name. This brought about an end to his efforts to reawaken Portugal’s Bnei Anusim, many of whom saw the treatment meted out to Barros Basto as a sign that the authorities would not tolerate their return to Judaism.
In 1961, he died, a broken man. Stripped of his rank and publicly humiliated because he was a Jew, Barros Basto has been likened by historians such as Cecil Roth to Alfred Dreyfus, the French general staff officer who was convicted of treason on trumped-up charges in 1894 and drummed out of the military.
But unlike Dreyfus, Barros Basto has yet to receive the exoneration he deserves. Once Portugal began its transition to democracy in 1975, his family appealed to the authorities to rectify the situation, but their pleas fell on deaf ears.
For the past decade, Shavei Israel, the organization I chair, has been involved in the Barros Basto case.
Over the years, we elicited support from American Jewish organizations such as the Conference of Presidents, the Orthodox Union and the Religious Zionists of America, all of whom have written to the Portuguese ambassador to Washington about the matter.
Last month, on October 31, there was an important new development.
With the help of an attorney, the captain’s granddaughter, Isabel Maria de Barros Lopes, submitted a formal request to the president of the Portuguese parliament seeking her grandfather’s posthumous reinstatement into the military.
Isabel told me that she is determined to see things through. Just like her grandfather, she is not afraid to fight for what is right.
But more pressure must be brought to bear on Portuguese officials. Contact your local Portuguese embassy or sign the petition to the leader of the Portuguese parliament online at:
We must garner as much international support as possible to bring closure to this painful chapter.
Barros Basto was a courageous figure who stood up for the Jewish people, defying the powers that be to help his brethren. He was a victim of anti-Semitism, so how can we remain silent?
Several years ago, in the northern Portuguese village of Amarante, I entered the local cemetery and stood before Barros Basto’s simple and unadorned grave. Then and there, I made a promise to do what I could to restore his honor and bring about justice.
There is now an unprecedented opportunity to do so and we must not let it pass.
The stain on this noble man’s name is also a stain on Portugal itself, and it is time for it to be removed, once and for all.
Rehabilitate the Portuguese Dreyfus and let justice be done, so that his soul may finally rest in peace.
The writer is chairman of Shavei Israel (, an organization that assists lost tribes and hidden Jewish communities to return to the Jewish people.
(Outubro 31, 2011)
Exm.ª Senhora
Presidente da Assembleia da República
Assunto: Pedido de reintegração no Exército do capitão de infantaria
Arthur Carlos Barros Basto, que foi alvo de segregação
político-religiosa no ano de 1937.
A presente petição tem como fundamento a violação grave de direitos
humanos e a afectação intolerável do núcleo duro dos direitos
fundamentais materialmente protegidos pela Constituição da República
Portuguesa, pelo que se requer a intervenção da Comissão Parlamentar
de Assuntos Constitucionais, Direitos, Liberdades e Garantias. Tudo
nos termos e pelas razões seguintes:
1. Numa época em que campeava o antissemitismo pela Europa e em que se
preparava o encaminhamento de milhões de seres humanos como reses a
caminho do matadouro, em Portugal, um oficial do Exército, Arthur
Carlos Barros Basto, foi sancionado por ser judeu e praticante da
religião judaica.
2. Com efeito, em 12 de Junho de 1937, no processo de natureza
disciplinar n.º 6/1937, o Conselho Superior de Disciplina do Exército
(um órgão próprio de um regime de poder pessoal) deu como provado que
Arthur Carlos Barros Basto «realizava a operação da circuncisão a
vários alunos [do Instituto Teológico Israelita do Porto] segundo um
preceito da religião israelita que professa», e que «tomava para com
os alunos atitudes de interesse e intimidade exageradas, beijando-os e
acarinhando-os frequentemente» (à imagem dos judeus sefarditas de
Tânger, onde o visado se converteu ao judaísmo) - cfr. Documento n.º 1
3. À luz destes factos provados, o Conselho Superior de Disciplina do
Exército considerou que Arthur Carlos Barros Basto não possuía
«capacidade moral» para prestígio da sua função e decoro da sua farda,
pelo que o puniu com a «separação de serviço» prevista no artigo 178.º
do Regulamento de Disciplina Militar, publicado pelo Decreto 16:963,
de 15 de Junho de 1929.
4. A «separação de serviço» constituiu para Arthur Carlos Barros Basto
(o oficial e o judeu) uma verdadeira pena de morte civil. O visado foi
afastado definitivamente das suas funções; foi impedido
definitivamente de progredir na carreira; foi proibido definitivamente
de usar uniformes, distintivos e insígnias militares; e foi obrigado a
manter-se para sempre subordinado à acção disciplinar do Exército (ou
seja, foi forçado a manter a sua vida civil e a sua prática religiosa
para sempre modeladas por regras militares absolutamente hostis aos
preceitos judaicos mais elementares), sob pena de voltar a ser
julgado, sob pena de voltar a ser condenado!
5. Os factos que o Conselho Superior de Disciplina do Exército
considerou «provados» (e que determinaram a «incapacidade moral» e a
consequente «separação do serviço» do militar judeu Arthur Carlos
Barros Basto) enquadram-se a todas as luzes no exercício de direitos
universalmente reconhecidos a todos os homens e que já existiam antes
de haverem sido “proclamados”.
6. Acresce que a decisão do Conselho Superior de Disciplina do
Exército – em tudo contrastante com a normação Dinim que promana da
tradição primordial – impede quem quer que seja de entender como
alcançaram os julgadores o grau de certeza que é suposto terem
conseguido em relação aos factos que consideraram provados.
Trata-se de uma decisão que não tem uma linha de fundamentação, que
não procede ao exame crítico dos meios de prova que foram considerados
e desconsiderados, e que chega ao cúmulo de censurar Arthur Carlos
Barros Basto por não ter espancado quem o denunciou.
7. O 25 de Abril pode ter reparado muitas injustiças do passado, mas
pelo menos um homem ficou esquecido. Ficou esquecido Arthur Carlos
Barros Basto. Ficou esquecido o judeu.
Lea Montero Azancot Barros Basto (viúva de Arthur Carlos Barros Basto)
apresentou, no ano de 1975, um pedido de reintegração do falecido
marido no Exército, mas obteve uma resposta negativa por parte do
Estado-Maior General das Forças Armadas, que, a respeito da decisão de
1937, e de modo inacreditável, CONFUNDIU os factos «não provados por
unanimidade» com os factos «provados», e anexou à ilegalidade
anteriormente cometida outra mais escandalosa. - cfr. Documentos n.ºs
2 e 3
Nesta confluência,
Vem a signatária requerer à Assembleia da República que proceda à
reintegração nas fileiras do Exército do senhor seu avô, Arthur Carlos
Barros Basto, tendo por espeque norteador (muito para além do
Decreto-Lei n.º 173/74, de 26 de Abril, aplicável ao caso por força do
argumento a maiori, ad minus) o dever moral e imprescritível do Estado
de reparar uma violação tão grave da Lei consuetudinária
internacional. Adonai li velo irá.
Juntam: Procuração e três documentos
Isabel Maria de Barros Teixeira da Silva Ferreira Lopes
(neta de Arthur Carlos Barros Basto)
Rui da Silva Leal
(November 14, 2011)
(Rabino israelita afirma que discussão do Orçamento deve esperar)
Todas as discussões do parlamento, incluindo a do Orçamento de Estado, só devem ter lugar depois de ser declarada a reabilitação de Barros Basto: o militar judeu que foi expulso do exército português em 1937 por praticar actos próprios da religião judaica.
A opinião é do rabino israelita Daniel Litvak, que se encontra de visita a Portugal. Aos jornalistas, o mestre da religião hebraica afirmou que “o parlamento português deve corrigir o mais rapidamente possível a decisão anti-semita que em 1937 vitimou Barros Basto, e só depois é que devem ser discutidos os outros temas, sejam eles quais forem, porque o mais importante de tudo é fazer Justiça”. Mostrando estar a par da actualidade portuguesa, o rabino acrescentou compreender a “preocupação dos deputados com o Orçamento do país mas os judeus esperam há mais de 500 anos que Portugal lhes faça Justiça. Esta é uma oportunidade”
Daniel Litvak fez questão de “recordar” que a sentença anti-semita do Estado Novo ainda produz efeitos muito graves na actualidade: “Essa sentença é uma afronta ao povo judeu no seu conjunto, mas também a toda a humanidade”.
A visita de Daniel Litvak – que é também rabino oficial do Porto – ao nosso país surge no momento em que o parlamento está a apreciar um pedido de reabilitação de Barros Basto interposto pela sua neta e subscrito pelo advogado Rui da Silva leal, representante da Ordem dos Advogados na última reforma penal.
O pedido, a que tivemos acesso, sublinha que o militar já deveria ter sido reabilitado em 1974: “O 25 de Abril pode ter reparado muitas injustiças do passado, mas pelo menos um homem ficou esquecido. Ficou esquecido Arthur Carlos Barros Basto. Ficou esquecido o judeu”.
De acordo com informações por nós recolhidas, Fernando Negrão, presidente da Comissão Parlamentar de Assuntos Constitucionais, Direitos, Liberdades e Garantias já terá declarado a urgência do processamento da resolução que poderá reabilitar Barros Basto.
Coverage in the Portuguese press (Lusa)
Update-14 Dezembro, 2011
Petição para reabilitar capitão judeu aceite no Parlamento
Petição para reabilitar capitão judeu debatida no Parlamento
Parlamento discute caso Barros Basto
TSF: A jornalista Alexandra Nunes conversou com a neta do capitão Barros Basto