JACOB ABRAHAM CAMILLE PISSARO (PIÇARRO), FATHER OF IMPRESSIONISM Born St. Thomas, Danish Virgin Islands, 10, July, 1839, died Paris, 13 November, 1903
The Vagabonds, 1896, Lithograph
Photo from the archives of the Musée Camille Pissaro, Musees de Pontoise, France
Pissaro, the father of French impressionism was a descendant of Portuguese judaizing New Christians (marranos, anousim) from Bragança in northern Portugal. We asked Fernanda Guimares, independent researcher at the Torre de Tombo to search for ancestors. Here are her findings:
1.Pedro de Lafaia Pissaro, merchant, native of Bragança, resident of Lisbon, 38 yrs. old, son of Manuel de Lafaia, silk manufacturer and Maria Nunes, married to Leonor da Costa, New Christian, sentenced on 07-09-1706, confiscation of assets, attend Auto de Fé, abjuration in form, perpetual jail, and spiritual penitences.
2. Manuel Mendes Piçarro, New Christian, accused of Juadism, weaver, native of Bragança, 40 yrs old, son of Alonso Rodrigues Piçarro or Pisarro, accusation presented 1749.
3.Lúisa Maria, New Christian, accused of heresy and apostasy, native of Bragança, daughter of Alonso Rodrigues Piçarro or Pissarro and Isabel Nunes, married to José Rodrigues Gabriel, merchant, imprisoned on 01-04-1717, sentenced 19-12-1718,Auto de Fé 19-12-1718