Pretendemos dar voz à nossa herança.
Aspiring to give a voice to our heritage.
RABBI ELIEZER SHAI DI MARTINO WITH POLICE OFFICER AT OLIVAL HANUKAH CEREMONY IN PORTO (note police symbol on the front of the hat of the police officer)
Ladina is a Portuguese based registered non-profit society dedicated to rescuing the memory of Portuguese Jew-ish Marranos.
"Portugal will only be prosperous and progressive when it abolishes the Holy Office, before not. Moreover, nothing done, until, in the same place where today is the Palace of the Inquisition, the Jews do not plant the synagogue."
(Cavaleiro da Oliveira, a Portuguese protestant living in London, burned in effigy by the unHoly Office of the Inquisition in Lisbon in 1761. The palace of the inquisition (the "estaus", the site of the forced baptism in 1497), was at the north end of the Rossio in Lisbon, approximately where the national theater Dona Maria II is presently located. It would be a suitable site for a national Marrano Jew-ish museum.)
"Portugal só será um pais próspero e progressivo quando se abolir de vez o tribunal do Santo Officio. Antes não. Além disso, nada feito, enquanto, no mesmo lugar onde hoje se acha o Palacio da Inquisiçaõ, não plantarem os judeus a Sinagoga".
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Jack White-Marranos, Conversos, Crypto-Jews,and New Christians